Goodbye to Centrist, John Hickenlooper

John Hickenlooper withdrew from the presidential race today.  Too bad.  He is a moderate with good ideas.  I might have voted for him.

I can tell you, that as of today, I have no plans to vote for a non-centrist candidate.  As far as I can tell at this point, that means I won't be voting for a Democrat. 

That leaves me to vote for President Trump.  I don't see that happening either for many reasons.  I will get those reasons written here soon.  For now, I will say that his moral character and deceitful behavior are not befitting the leader of our country.  I'll put it in Nuclear Navy-speak, for those of you that can interpret this:  He is demonstrably unreliable.  That is a fail for me.

I sure hope a real candidate shows up soon.
