Mass Shootings - Will Gun Control Stop Them?

I didn't think that my first post would be about gun control or mass shootings.  The tragic events over the last week, with the shootings in Gilroy, CA, El Paso, TX, and Dayton, OH make it essential.

Politicians Will Be Politicians

In response to these recent events, our politicians, particularly democrats, are clamoring for passing improved background checks.  All three of these recent shooters, and as far as I know, all of the shooters over the last couple of years, have been given background checks and legally purchased their firearms.  So, what logic are these politicians applying here?  The only conclusion I can come up with is that they see these tragedies as a political opportunity to implement their agenda.  Disgusting and disheartening. 

That said, I agree, we need better background checks.  I don't think it will keep the lawless from having guns, but it will make it more difficult for potentially dangerous individuals (felons, mentally ill, historically violent) from buying guns and hurting those around them.  If you are not in those categories, having your background checked is no big deal.  Sure, you have to pay a fee to be checked.  To me, that's just part of the acquisition cost.

Why are High Capacity Magazines Needed?

I appreciate the second amendment:   I own some guns, and I like to shoot them.  I also hunt.  High capacity magazines are not protected by the second amendment, and that is fine by me. 

Typically, when I go to the range (after taking normal safety precautions of responsible gun ownership and use) I will load five rounds into the gun I am shooting that day and send them down range.  I find that my shooting performance and effectiveness decreases if I load more than that and try to shoot them without a break.  I'm not training to be a soldier, so I take a break after every 5 rounds or so.  I shoot better, I am more relaxed, I spend less money on ammo.  All good.  I don't need a high capacity magazine at the range.

When I'm  hunting, the guns I use usually only hold five or so rounds anyway.  And that is more than enough for hunting.  The reality is that you will not have a chance to shoot more than a few shots in almost any hunting situation. 

So, if we don't need high capacity magazines for target practice or when hunting, when do we need them?  Self defense?  I have a concealed carry permit.  I frequently concealed carry a gun that holds six rounds in the magazine.  Don't I need more?  My answer is:  No. 

I need to be well trained with my self-defense weapon so I can make every shot count.  To me, it's not about killing an attacker, it's about creating an opportunity to be safe.  Be safe by stopping them, possibly, or by creating a window for me and those I am with to break contact with the attacker.  Is a 15-round magazine going to make this easier?  Not if I am well trained. 

So why do we have guns with high capacities?  Sometimes it is a matter of convenience -- don't have to load them as often, don't need to carry loose rounds (I guess), etc.  Is it a need?  Not as far as I can rationalize.

Other than professional soldiers and some law enforcement, the only other people that need high capacity magazines are mass shooters.  It took about a half-minute for police to respond to the Dayton Murderer's rampage.  In that time he fired over 40 rounds (per the news reports) from his 100-round capacity magazine.  I repeat, 100-round capacity magazine.  That is too much power.

Mass Shooters are Mass Murderers

Mass shooters kill people.  If they are intent on killing people, do they need to use a gun?  Of course not.  In fact there have been mass knifings, mass auto/truck massacres, bombings (Oklahoma City)... all it takes is some creativity to come up with ways to kill people. 

But creativity takes work.  Guns with high capacity magazines are too easy and accessible for these lonely young men to use to lash back at the world they hate. 

The Second Amendment protects our right to keep and bear arms.  It does not give us a right to high capacity magazines. 

As a voter, I would like to see our politicians finding real solutions to problems, like restricting high capacity magazines, instead of politicizing these events for the benefit of their political agendas and campaigns.
